Thursday, July 26, 2012

Welcome to my classroom blog.  We will be using this resource throughout the school year as a place for responding to course content and readings, and a place for further discussion about various classroom topics.  Keep posting!

This blog was created originally as part of a summer course I took with other teachers from our WAWM school district.  Our first class taught us about blogs and google doc.  We also learned about how to access a common classroom through a program called "Blackboard."   I found it pretty easy to get started as I have had a lot of experience in internet technology.  I hope that I will be able to share some of my knowledge with my classes and also be able to use it often in my classroom.


  1. Hi Glen,
    I like how you have your website already set up for your classes to start ...following your posts related to your classes. The intro. that explains how you created the blog & personally used the technology in a class as a student is a great way to pull your students in. I think our students relate better to the tools we are using when they know we are also are using it. Love it. As a side note. Maybe it's just me, but just so you know….my eyes were bothered by looking at the white on black used in your blog. It was quite severe for them. Just something to consider. On the other hand, I really love the content and format of your blog.
    Lisa :)

  2. I think the students will love having an outlet to share things related to class. Often there doesn't seem to be enough time for all the discussions we would love for students to have but this provides another avenue for students to share. I think blogging will also be a great tool for students to get to know one another and will contribute to the overall classroom environment since sometimes students are reluctant to share their ideas in front of the class but will write them instead.
