Monday, September 24, 2012

Assignment #1: Effective Communiation Blog

Paragraph Structure:

  • Read your text (Writing with a Purpose) pp. 166-181.
  • It will discuss topic and supporting sentences, unity, completeness, order, and coherence. 
  • Summarize your reading in one paragraph highlighting the most important parts of the reading.  
  •  After you have submitted your "blog" answer.  Write at least a one sentence response to at least one other person's blog answer.
  • Your blog response is due by Saturday, September 29th at Noon.


  1. A paragraph is a set of related sentences that express or develop a topic. To make a good paragraph and eventually good story, you need several paragraphs. A good paragraph has unity, order, completeness, coherence, and a good topic. The sentences should flow from one sentence to the next so that the reader is always interested and able to read smoothly. They should not be in various directions, then it is hard for the reader to read and properly understand. Also be sure to give a good amount of factual knowledge about your topic so the reader understands your knowledge and now gets what you taught them.

    1. Throughout the reading i noticed the same key elements that you did, we have the same understnading of the reading.

  2. When I read those pages they were talking about how you can get your audience attention. Also they said that it could be simple but that’s not going to make your reader want to be interested in what your talking about. They said it better to put your topic sentence in the beginning and if you don’t like it like that to put it in the end. They had examples of different people that wrote a paper and also had different ways they could’ve written it. I think that when I read those pages it gave me a few ideas in how to change how I write.

    1. I agree that getting the audiences attention is a major task to complete. I also read the examples and thought they were very helpful. It also helped me with the rough draft we are recently working on and helped me chose different words and form better paragraphs.

    2. I think that getting your audience's attention is key. You should refrain from wandering otherwise the reader will get confused.

  3. A paragraph is a set of sentences that relate to each other, dividing subjects and stating key points to form the topic. An effectively formed paragraph must have four key components; unity, order, coherence and completeness which should all revolve around the chosen topic. The topic sentence should be stated somewhere within the beginning of the paragraph for the attention and understanding of the readers. It is important to know enough about your topic so that you can explain it to your audience. Each sentence must portray the initial idea, while having order to show the direction of the ideas. The paragraph must have completeness and coherence by adding the adequate amount of detail at the same time making each sentence correspond to the next for a fluid paragraph.

    1. That is what I understood from the reading too! Good job Amber.

    2. We both noticed the same main points and got a good understanding while reading what was assigned to us.

    3. This is somewhat the closest to what i wrote. We both understood what was written in the text.

    4. I think you did a good job finding the main topics in the reading. Nice job.

  4. To have good paragraphs, they must have four major requirements, such as unity, order, coherence, and completeness. A paragraph is sentences that basically express or develops a topic and serve several purposes for you and your readers. You must have good completeness because too much information can overwhelm your reader and too little information can annoy them. Also you should always stay on the main purpose of your paper because you never want to throw your reader of track and not want to read your paper anymore that is kind of dealing with order. A paper should have coherence because if you contently stop and think about your main topic and what you want to write your paragraphs begin to not flow.

    1. Erika, I feel like we kind of had the same understanding of the reading. good job(:

  5. In the reading for pages 166 to 181 you learn a lot about paragraphs. In order to write good paragraphs you need four key parts. Unity, order, coherence, and completeness. And in order for you to write a good story you need to write good complete paragraphs. You need unity to make sure that all of your sentences flow together. Order so that your paragraphs make sense and your reader does not get lost in what they are reading. You need completeness to make sure that you explain every part of your topic, so you reader understands what our topic is about. Another thing is you want to stay on topic, and don't drift away so that your reader follows.

    1. Well said on your orders and details needed to write a well written paragraph. Try finding better word need so much. Weakens the meaning of the word in this kind of context. Over all well written and good job on the reading and getting the over all meaning.

  6. I read about how to capture attention with words instead of showing a picture. These pages focus on paragraphs and how to form them in a correct way. If you want a good story that people want to read, you need a good plot wIth ordered paragraphs. You need good descriptive words so the reader can feel like theyre there. You have to keep the story rolling so that the reader doesn't get bored. Always restate in different ways the main thesis statement so that the reader can be reminded of what they are reading. Also, sentences themselves are crucial. You need to break up each sentence getting as descriptive as you can. The audience is always looking for something new to grab on to.

    1. I noticed the same main ideas that you did throughout the reading. Good job on explaining what you learned in detail. You defiantly understood the reading that was given to us. Good job!

  7. From what I have read three main kinda of paragraphs you can do to entertain and inform your audience are general to particular, particular to general and whole to parts. The first one is doing you topic or opening statement with what your main topic for the paragraph is. The second one is having your paragraph on one subject but not having the topic sentence till closer to the end. The third one basically just puts all the topics and ideas in order by numbering facts or points.

  8. I have read all of your posts and comments. Nice job for your first time. -- Mr. Dawursk

  9. What I have read from these pages so far in this chapter are two types of paragraphs. They're topical paragraphs and special paragraphs. They both have differences which our topical paragraph is one that develops a topic or idea and special paragraphs is the one that introduces or concludes a piece of writing or provides a transition between major parts. The paragraphs that you write serve several purposes for you and your readers. You don't want to make your reader get bored easily either, so that's mainly why you should have each separate paragraph connect to your thesis. It should always have a certain order to your paper having parts. You always need to have a topic sentence which states the purpose of the paragraph.

  10. You learn a lot from reading these pages. Do not repeat the same words over and over. You always have to have a topic/thesis about your story and stay with it. If you don't, the readers would be confused and wouldn't be interested in your story anymore. A couple good paragraphs makes a great story, just make sure you stick to your topic!

  11. Paragraphs are a huge help in organizing vast ideas. They help split a large concept into smaller, more organized sections. Each paragraph discusses a new smaller idea which transitions coherently into different, related ideas to form an organized whole. Topic sentences are key to beginning a new idea. Readers are most alert when they first walk into a paragraph and need to know what is happening. Introduce your concepts to avoid going off on a tangent and confusing the reader.

  12. Good comments so far. Remember you must write a blog to the assignment and then also respond to another student for FULL credit. Thanks for your excellent incite so far

  13. After trying to send this three times, I hope this time it works. Well I learned that there is many elements in writing a paragraph. You must have a topic sentence that presents the information. Secondly, you must complete the paragraph using relevant information. Thirdly, you need to have consistent order throughout the whole paragraph. Lastly, you need coherence. You can do that by using different elements, markers, and references in the paragraph.

  14. There are many parts of a paragraph; sentences about a topic make a paragraph or even sometimes a story or essay. The first part you need is a topic to write about. Once you have that,the paragraph requires unity, which is the development of your idea. You must include a topic sentence that shows your main idea. The next major requirement would be completeness; this means that you don't have too much or too little information. Your sentences must have order. To have order just means organize your sentences in order the occurred.

    1. It seems that we had the same understanding of the reading, and we both understand the different elements of a paragraph.

  15. I have updated the grades for this blog entry (#1) as of 10/9/12. Thank you for entering your comments. Even late, they are important to the learning in this writing class.

  16. There are multiple things that one must consider when writing a paragraph. You must start with a topic sentence that presents your main idea. Throughout the paragraph, the idea must be developed, using unity. When developing your idea, be sure to be complete in the amount of information you provide your audience so that they understand. Secondly, you want to make sure your paragraph follows an order so that it is not random, but organized. To help the order and flow of your paragraph, use coherence so the reader can move easily from one sentence to the next. A good paragraph would include all of these things.

    1. Great way to write a good paragraph and explanation was easy to understand.

  17. There are many parts to just one paragraph. This includes a topic, introduction, relevant information, and to be consistent through it all. The topic sentence is the main part of the paragraph. Many people loss interest within the first paragraph. So you need something to draw them back every time.

  18. That is the same thing that really jumped out at me when reading those pages. Great summary!

  19. A paragraph is a set of related sentences that express or develop a topic. A good paragraph must have four key components; unity, order, and coherence which should all revolve around the topic. You must also have completeness because too much information can overwhelm your reader and too little information can annoy them. You need to break up each sentence getting as descriptive as you can. The audience is always looking for something new to grab on to. Another thing is you want to stay on topic, and don't drift away so that your reader follows.

  20. When writing a good paragraph there is more to it the just writing 5 or so sentences there are things that need to be fulfilled. First off there needs to be a topic sentence that grabs the readers attention, there are four things needed to have a good paragraph unity,completeness,order and coherence. With these you paragraph that was a couple sentences written on top of each other are now a paragraph that grabbed your reader and through them in the story and got them excited to read more.

  21. This blog section is now closed. No other entries will be accepted after today's date for a grade.
